Discover the Volkswagen Touareg, a paragon of strength and innovation. This model is known for its robust build and advanced technologies, making every drive both comfortable and safe. With its impressive range, advanced safety features, and luxurious interior, the Touareg stands out in the premium SUV segment. The Touareg effortlessly combines functionality with elegance, making it the ideal choice for both urban adventures and longer journeys. The core of the Touareg's appeal lies in its ability to deliver powerful performance without sacrificing comfort or style, making it the perfect partner for the modern professional.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Automatic | €602 | €88.595 | |
Automatic | €670 | €98.595 |
The Volkswagen Touareg business lease is most economical through Lease.Car. We are not a leasing company ourselves, but rather fulfil more of an advisory role. We do this based on our huge network of car dealers and leasing companies throughout the Netherlands. We work closely with them and therefore always know how to find the best business lease deal, including for the Volkswagen Touareg. Its range and advanced safety features are key USPs, making the Touareg ideal for long distances and various driving conditions. This makes the Volkswagen Touareg an ideal business car for professionals who are on the road a lot and have high demands on safety and comfort.
With the Volkswagen Touareg operational lease, you will enjoy worry-free driving pleasure thanks to the all-inclusive contract. This means that for a fixed monthly amount, the leasing company - the official owner of the car - takes care of all essential matters concerning the vehicle. Included in the lease contract are the following services: insurance (WA + Full Casco and passenger insurance), road tax, regular maintenance and repairs, tyres, equivalent replacement transport for maintenance and damage cases, breakdown assistance both at home and abroad, and a charging station for electric cars (if applicable). This ensures that you don't have to worry about the practicalities; everything is included in the operational lease contract.
Another form of business lease is the Volkswagen Touareg financial lease. With this form of lease, the Volkswagen Touareg becomes your property immediately. As a result, you are responsible for managing practical matters that would normally fall under an operational lease. This means that things like insurance, road tax, maintenance, repairs, and roadside assistance have to be arranged and financed by you. The advantage, however, is that you can put the Volkswagen Touareg on your balance sheet, which can offer tax advantages.
Are you interested in leasing a Volkswagen Touareg? Then get free, no-obligation advice from Lease.Car! We always search until we find the perfect, tailor-made deal for you. Does this sound like the ideal solution for you? Then get in touch with our advisers. They are available 24/7 and eager to help you! You can find their contact details on our contact page. Feel free to leave your details there too; we will get back to you within 24 hours.