The Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace sets a new standard in the SUV segment with its extended length and versatility. With an extended wheelbase and overall length increase of 21 centimetres, this 5+2-seater not only offers space for seven people, but also a significantly enlarged boot. Its design combines functionality with style, with the rising third window giving it a unique look similar to the BMW X3. Despite its space for an optional third row of seats, the Tiguan Allspace remains practical and comfortable even for long journeys, thanks to a sliding rear seat and a load floor length of 1.92 metres.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Manual | €265 | €38.925 | |
Automatic | €333 | €49.010 | |
Manual | €346 | €50.920 | |
Manual | €350 | €51.420 | |
Automatic | €356 | €52.420 | |
Automatic | €360 | €52.920 | |
Automatic | €363 | €53.325 | |
Automatic | €367 | €53.925 | |
Automatic | €383 | €56.420 | |
Automatic | €390 | €57.425 |
You can find the Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace business lease most economically through Lease.Car. Our wide network of car dealers and leasing companies allows us to find the ideal lease deal for this model. Its space, comfort and versatility make the Tiguan Allspace the perfect choice for companies in need of a practical yet stylish SUV for employees. With extra luggage space and seating, this car offers an excellent solution for various business applications.
Enjoy worry-free driving pleasure with the Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace through an all-inclusive operational lease contract. This package includes all necessary services such as insurance, road tax, maintenance, and more, allowing you to focus on what really matters. The optional addition of a third row of seats makes this car ideal for both business and personal use, with plenty of room for everyone.
Choosing a financial lease, the Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace will become your property, giving you tax benefits. This lease plan gives you the freedom to tailor the car to your specific business needs, while enjoying the extensive capabilities and comfort of this model.
Are you considering leasing the Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace? Our advisers are ready to help you find the perfect lease deal to suit your business requirements and needs. Get in touch for a no-obligation consultation and discover the versatility and space of the Tiguan Allspace for your business.