The Volkswagen Transporter is the ideal company car for your business. Not least because of its reasonable price tag! Besides, the Volkswagen Transporter is very reliable and with its modern, sleek and characterful looks, the Transporter is an enormously representative company car. Lease.Car takes care of everything concerning the lease. So you don't have to worry about a thing and you can do what you do best: running a business!
The Volkswagen Transporter full operational lease is the most economical way to lease a Transporter through Lease.Car. Operational leasing is the safest and easiest way of leasing. The monthly lease amount is kind of all inclusive. The leasing company handles all the peripheral matters surrounding the lease of the Volkswagen Transporter. These practical matters cover, among other things, MOT, insurance and equivalent replacement transport during servicing. So these practical matters are already included in the monthly amount. You never have to pay (extra) for them. Nice and easy! At the end of the lease contract you can choose to take over the Volkswagen Transporter at book value. The book value is the purchase price minus depreciation. You can also simply return the Volkswagen Transporter without any risk. The other form of business lease is the Volkswagen Transporter financial lease. With financial lease, you pay off the Peugeot van, so to speak, through the monthly amount you pay. At the end of the contract you pay a predetermined final instalment. From that moment on, the Volkswagen Transporter is your legal property. During the contract period, the Volkswagen Transporter will only be economically owned by you or your company. This means that you have to take care of all practical matters that are arranged by the lease company under operational lease. However, with financial leasing you can put the Volkswagen Transporter on your balance sheet, which in turn has tax advantages.
The advisors at Lease.Car are on hand 24/7 to help you find the best Volkswagen Transporter leasing deal. Which type of lease suits you and your business best? What additional requirements do you have? Our advisers know the best answers to questions like these. Would you like to talk to one of them? Then leave your details on the contact page. We will contact you within 24 hours. Once we have discussed all the information, we can start hunting for the best deal on the Volkswagen Transporter lease! We won't stop until this is done!
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Manual | €204 | €29.990 | |
Manual | €204 | €30.050 | |
Manual | €205 | €30.080 | |
Manual | €210 | €30.850 | |
Manual | €210 | €30.850 | |
Manual | €214 | €31.400 | |
Manual | €215 | €31.600 | |
Manual | €215 | €31.600 | |
Manual | €215 | €31.650 | |
Manual | €215 | €31.650 | |
Manual | €215 | €31.660 |