The Seat Mii Electric is the perfect city car for environmentally conscious drivers looking for a compact and agile driving experience. This all-electric model offers an impressive range and fast charging capabilities, making it ideal for daily city driving and short trips. Combining functionality with efficiency, the Mii Electric ensures low running costs and minimal environmental impact. The interior is cleverly designed to offer maximum comfort and connectivity within a compact size, including advanced technology such as an integrated infotainment system and automatic climate control.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Automatic | €152 | €22.415 | |
Automatic | €162 | €23.915 |
The Seat Mii Electric business lease is most economical through Lease.Car. We offer access to a wide network of car dealers and leasing companies to find the most favourable terms for your business needs. The Mii Electric is particularly suitable for city businesses and professionals who often travel short distances, thanks to its agility and low operating costs.
Choose an operational lease of the Seat Mii Electric and enjoy complete peace of mind with an all-inclusive contract. This contract includes insurance, road tax, maintenance, repairs, tyre changes, replacement transport for maintenance and claims, and roadside assistance both in the Netherlands and abroad. You pay a fixed monthly amount, so there are no surprises in terms of costs.
Financial lease of the Seat Mii Electric makes you the direct owner of the vehicle. You are then responsible for the operational costs yourself, but you also have the option to put the car on your company's balance sheet, which can offer tax advantages. This form of lease is ideal for business owners who want to make a long-term investment in their mobility.
Are you interested in leasing a Seat Mii Electric? Then contact Lease.Car for free, no-obligation advice. Our advisers are ready to help you find the perfect leasing solution, tailored to your specific needs and business requirements. We are available 24/7, and you can find our contact details on our contact page. Leave your details and we will contact you within 24 hours.