Meet the Peugeot e-308 SW, a state-of-the-art electric station wagon that combines durability with elegance. This model stands out for its innovative electric drive, spacious interior and stylish design, perfect for environmentally conscious drivers looking for space and comfort. The e-308 SW offers advanced technologies and safety features, including adaptive cruise control and lane keeping assist, ensuring a safe and enjoyable driving experience. With its impressive range, this car is ideal for both daily drives and longer journeys, with no worries about emissions.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Automatic | €206 | €38.550 | |
Automatic | €215 | €39.800 | |
Automatic | €242 | €42.500 | |
Automatic | €236 | €42.900 |
The Peugeot e-308 SW business lease is most economical through Lease.Car. We act as advisors and use an extensive network of car dealers and leasing companies to find you the best lease deal. Our expertise ensures that we can negotiate attractive terms especially for the e-308 SW, perfect for business users who value sustainability and comfort.
Enjoy the convenience and benefits of the Peugeot e-308 SW with an operational lease contract. This all-inclusive formula covers all essential costs: insurance (third-party liability and comprehensive insurance and passenger insurance), road tax, regular maintenance, repairs, tyres, and 24/7 roadside assistance. It also includes a charging station for your home or office. This ensures that you can fully concentrate on driving, without worrying about the operational details.
Choose the Peugeot e-308 SW financial lease to become an immediate owner of the car. This gives you the freedom to manage all aspects of maintenance and operations yourself, while enjoying tax benefits by placing the car on your balance sheet. This form of lease is ideal for business owners who like to have control over their vehicle and the total cost of ownership.
Are you interested in leasing a Peugeot e-308 SW? Then get advice from the experts at Lease.Car. Our advisers are ready to help you find the perfect lease deal to suit your specific needs and requirements with no obligation. Visit our contact page for more information or leave your details so we can contact you within 24 hours.