The Peugeot 208 is an absolute classic within its segment. Yet this classic compact city car has moved neatly with the times. The latest Peugeot 208 is equipped with the latest technologies and also offers great driving comfort. This makes this French classic an ideal car to drive on business. Not only because the 208 offers a great driving experience, but also because it can be ordered in many versions, with the best options. In addition, the Peugeot 208 lease also simply comes with a very favourable price tag, especially if you decide to lease through!
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Manual | €163 | €23.980 | |
Manual | €171 | €25.180 | |
Manual | €173 | €25.430 | |
Automatic | €181 | €26.630 | |
Manual | €185 | €27.280 | |
Automatic | €191 | €28.030 | |
Manual | €194 | €28.580 | |
Manual | €195 | €28.730 | |
Automatic | €204 | €30.030 | |
Automatic | €213 | €31.330 |
The Peugeot 208 business lease from Lease.Car always offers the most favourable terms for you. That's because we always strive to give you the best tailor-made advice. We can do this because we are not a leasing company ourselves. We have more of an advisory role. Here, the customer is central. He must ultimately decide which form of Peugeot 208 business lease is best. Lease.Car understands this and is happy to think along with you! Thus, the Peugeot 208 business lease is available in two different forms: operational lease and financial lease.
With the Peugeot 208 operational lease, you pay a fixed amount per month. For this amount, you then don't actually have to worry about the car anymore. With Peugeot 208 operational lease, all practical matters are taken care of by the lease company and paid from your monthly amount. Think of insurance, road tax and MOT, but also roadside assistance at home and abroad and equivalent replacement transport! With the Peugeot 208 operational lease, you actually only have to refuel yourself!
The other form of business lease - financial Lease - means that you already own the car immediately. So you can also put the Peugeot 208 on your balance sheet right away, which in turn brings nice tax advantages. However, with Peugeot 208 financial lease, you are responsible for the aforementioned practicalities. One advantage of financial leasing is that it leaves you with cash to make other investments. This can be very positive for (starting) self-employed entrepreneurs, for example.
Are you convinced that you need to be at Lease.Car to lease a Peugeot 208 in the most advantageous way? Great! If you via the contact page leave your details, we will contact you as soon as possible. Once we have been in touch, we will know which type of lease best suits your situation and which other requirements we need to take into account. This allows us to search very specifically for the best tailored business lease deal!