Discover the Opel Grandland, a stylish and dynamic SUV perfectly tailored to the needs of modern drivers and families. This car combines powerful performance with advanced technology and robust design. The Grandland offers a spacious cabin, comfortable seating and advanced safety features, making it an excellent choice for both daily drives and adventurous journeys. With efficient engine options and responsive handling, the Grandland offers a balance between comfort and driving pleasure, while the latest infotainment and connectivity systems ensure a seamless and interactive experience during every drive.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Automatic | €285 | €41.999 | |
Automatic | €299 | €43.999 | |
Automatic | €309 | €45.499 | |
Automatic | €323 | €47.499 |
The Opel Grandland business lease is most economical through Lease.Car. We use our extensive network of car dealers and leasing companies to bring you the best business lease offers to suit your specific needs. The Grandland is ideal for professionals who need a robust and stylish car that is both functional and representative for business purposes.
Experience worry-free driving pleasure with the Opel Grandland operational lease. This all-inclusive package includes all essential services for a fixed monthly fee, including insurance (third-party liability and passenger insurance), road tax, regular maintenance and repairs, tyres, replacement transport for maintenance and damage cases, and roadside assistance at home and abroad. This type of lease is perfect for those who want a hassle-free driving experience without worrying about the operational aspects.
Choose the Opel Grandland financial lease and become an immediate owner of the car. This form of lease gives you full control over the operational aspects of the vehicle and allows you to reap tax benefits by putting the car on your balance sheet. Financial lease is an excellent option for business owners who want to invest in a long-term sustainable vehicle and enjoy the benefits of ownership.
Are you interested in leasing an Opel Grandland? Then get free, no-obligation advice from Lease.Car! Our team of expert advisers is ready to find the perfect leasing solution for you, fully tailored to your specific needs. Get in touch with our team available 24/7 to support you. Visit our contact page for more information or to get in touch directly. Leave your details and we will get back to you within 24 hours.