Financial Lease Porsche Macan is done more often than Operational Lease Porsche Macan. Because with Financial Lease Porsche Macan, the monthly lease rate is quite a bit lower than with Operational Lease. With Financial Lease Porsche Macan, various components such as road tax, insurance, maintenance and tyres are not included in the lease rate. These are components that are quite pricey in the month. Because with Operational Lease Porsche Macan these components are included in the lease rate, at first sight it seems a lot more expensive. Once you start calculating everything, you will see that this is often not that bad. The only component that is difficult to determine is the residual value of the car. With a car of an exclusive brand, determining the residual value is an art in itself. With Financial Lease Porsche Macan, the rest value risk is for the driver. You will then have to estimate the depreciation yourself and include it in the lease rate.