Borrowing money costs money
Lease the Opel Astra from as little as xxx euros per month

Lease the Opel Astra from as little as xxx euros per month

Opel Astra business lease

You can therefore lease the Opel Astra business via Lease.Car on the best terms. But how can we be so sure? We are not a leasing company ourselves, but more of an advisory agency. We do work together with the largest and best leasing companies and car dealers in the Netherlands. So we always know where to find the best deals for you to lease the Opel Astra business. The Vauxhall Astra business lease is available in two different forms. One is the operational lease, the other is the financial lease.

Opel Astra operational lease 

With the Vauxhall Astra operational lease you pay a fixed amount per month. For this amount you drive the Opel Astra completely carefree. All practical matters involved in leasing a car are taken care of by the lease company. They also remain the official owner of the car. These practical matters include road tax, insurance and servicing. With the Opel Astra operational lease, these are all paid from the monthly lease amount. So you never have to pay extra for this! The only thing you still have to arrange yourself is the full tank.

Opel Astra financial lease

The Opel Astra financial lease is for entrepreneurs who want to manage a business car themselves, but would like to keep the cash in their pocket for a while for other investments. With the Vauxhall Astra financial lease, the monthly amount you pay is a repayment. So at the end of the lease term, you are officially the owner of the Vauxhall Astra. During the term, you actually already are. Economic owner, we call it. This means that you are responsible for taking care of all practical matters. On the other hand, you can put the Opel Astra on your balance sheet, which can be fiscally attractive. Then let the experts at Lease.Car advise you! In fact, they are always ready to provide you with the best advice. Leave your details via the contact page and you will be contacted within 24 hours. The experts will listen to your current situation and your needs and use that information to find the best part tailored to lease the Opel Astra. 

Lease the Opel Astra from as little as xxx euros per month

Consistently the best deal

Vind de beste deal Nevelgaarde 48 3436 ZZ Nieuwegein KVK: 66506654 BTW: 856585324B01