Discover the Citroën C4 X, an elegant fusion of a sedan and a coupé with the versatility of a hatchback. This latest model from Citroën embodies innovative design and offers a spacious and comfortable interior, ideal for both daily use and longer journeys. With its streamlined profile and high-quality finishes, the C4 X combines style with functionality. It is equipped with advanced driving assistance systems and offers a powerful yet efficient engine option that provides an impressive driving experience without compromising on fuel efficiency. Choose the Citroën C4 X if you are looking for a unique combination of comfort, style and innovation.
Label | Transmission | Addition | Price | |
Automatic | €226 | €33.320 | |
Automatic | €234 | €34.450 | |
Automatic | €234 | €34.450 | |
Automatic | €248 | €36.450 |
The Citroën C4 X business lease is most economical through Lease.Car. As an advisor, not a leasing company, we use our extensive network of car dealers and leasing companies to find the perfect deal for you. With its elegant looks and advanced safety features, the C4 X is excellent for business professionals who value both aesthetics and functionality. This model, with its comfortable and quiet cabin, is ideal for long journeys and frequent business trips, making every drive a pleasure.
Experience completely worry-free driving with the operational lease of the Citroën C4 X. This all-inclusive contract includes key services such as insurance (third-party plus full collision and passenger insurance), road tax, regular maintenance and repairs, tyres, replacement transport in the event of servicing and damage, and roadside assistance at home and abroad. An added bonus is the included high-quality audio system, perfect for lovers of quality sound on the road. With this form of lease, all practical matters are covered, so you can concentrate on enjoying your drive.
Choose a financial lease of the Citroën C4 X and become an immediate owner of your car. This form of lease gives you full control over its management, such as insurance, road tax, maintenance and repairs. By putting the car on your company's balance sheet, you can benefit from various tax advantages, making this option attractive for business owners looking to the future. The C4 X is a perfect choice for those investing in quality and independence.
Are you interested in leasing a Citroën C4 X? Then contact Lease.Car for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our experts are here to find the ideal leasing solution for you, fully tailored to your personal and business needs. Leave your details on our contact page, and we will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your options!