Borrowing money costs money

Statement of agreement

In order to take out this insurance, you must agree to the following statements:

  1. I have answered the foregoing questions truthfully and if the questions relate to another person, I have verified that the answers filled in are correct and complete. (Failure or incomplete fulfilment of this duty of disclosure may result in limitation or even loss of entitlement to benefits. If you have intentionally provided incorrect information or omitted information on the basis of which we would never have taken out the insurance, we may cancel the insurance).

  2. I know what is contained in the General Terms and Conditions and the Special Terms and Conditions and I understand the contents.

  3. I agree to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the privacy statements of Nederlandse Assuradeuren B.V. and hereinafter referred to as Nederlandse Assuradeuren B.V. and

  4. I would like to take out this insurance.

Execution Only

Should you take out insurance through our website, there is no advice. If you would like advice, you can contact us. As no advice is involved, taking out insurance online is execution only. If you have any doubts about coverage, conditions or other matters, please do not hesitate to contact us. We accept no liability for any loss you may suffer as a result of the choices you make when taking out an insurance policy.

Check your details

We want to make sure we have the right insurance for you. Therefore, check your details. Are your details incorrect? Then tell us in a letter or by e-mail. You must do this within 14 days of receiving your policy. If you do not do so? Then we will assume that the information we have on you is correct and that we have taken out the right insurance for you.

Honest and correct

You must answer all questions honestly and correctly. If it turns out later that you gave the wrong information or withheld information, you may not be entitled to compensation in some cases. We may also cancel the insurance.

Cancell your insurance

Do you want to cancel the insurance? Then you must tell us in writing (in a letter or by e-mail) within 14 days of receiving the policy. If within those 14 days you have reported a claim that your insurance pays according to the terms and conditions, you can no longer cancel the insurance.


If you are not satisfied with the service of Nederlandse Assuradeuren B.V., you can submit a complaint to us. This way we can tailor our services even better to your needs. Please send a letter with your complaint to:

Directie van Nederlandse Assuradeuren B.V.; Burgemeesters Godschalxstraat 59, 5235 AB 's-Hertogenbosch

or fill in the complaint form.

If you feel that your complaint has not subsequently been dealt with satisfactorily, you can submit your complaint to the independent body:

Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening ; P.O. Box 93257, 2509 AG The Hague; telephone: (070) 333 89 99; e-mail:

If you do not wish to make use of these options, you can also go to the civil courts.

Authorisation is statutorily established in IJsselstein with KvK number 66506654.

Nederlandse Assuradeuren B.V. is registered in the AFM register under number: 12042369.

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