Borrowing money costs money

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake leasing from €723 per month!

The Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake is more than just another car; it is a manifestation of innovation and elegance. Known for its streamlined design and advanced functionalities, this model offers a unique combination of the space of an estate car and the sportiness of a coupé. With its plug-in hybrid technology, the CLA Shooting Brake stands for sustainable mobility without compromising on performance or comfort. It features state-of-the-art safety systems, luxurious interior details, and an efficient powertrain that is both powerful and eco-friendly. This makes the CLA Shooting Brake a perfect choice for those who value aesthetics, innovation, and a responsible driving experience. cla shooting brake 2

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake business lease:

The Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake business lease is the most economical way to lease through Lease.Car. As advisors with an extensive network of car dealers and leasing companies throughout the Netherlands, we always find the best business lease deal for you. Thanks to its plug-in hybrid technology, this car combines an impressive range with low emissions, making it ideal for business users who value sustainability and efficiency. This makes the CLA Shooting Brake an excellent choice for urban business owners and representatives who are on the road a lot and value environmentally responsible driving.

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake operational lease:

With the operational lease of the Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake, you will enjoy worry-free driving pleasure. This all-inclusive contract covers all essential aspects of vehicle management, including insurance, road tax, regular maintenance and repairs, tyres, replacement transport, and roadside assistance, both in the Netherlands and abroad. A specific addition for this plug-in hybrid model could be, for example, a charging station, ensuring you always have a full battery before you hit the road. Everything is included in your fixed monthly fee, so you can enjoy every drive without any worries.

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake financial lease:

With a financial lease, the Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake becomes your property immediately, giving you full control over the management of the vehicle. This means you take care of insurance, road tax, and maintenance yourself. The advantage is that the car can be put on your balance sheet, which can have tax advantages. This type of lease is ideal for business owners looking for a long-term investment in their mobility, with all the benefits of ownership.

Get advice from Lease.Car:

Are you interested in leasing a Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake? Then get free, no-obligation advice from Lease.Car. Our team is ready to find the ideal leasing solution for you, tailored to your specific needs and situation. Contact our advisers, who are available 24/7, or leave your details on our contact page. We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your options.

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